Your Key To Self Empowerment

Become a Reiki Master

Ignite Your Spiritual Power



I can only speak for myself, but I was lead to Reiki with Bella by The Holy Spirit that lives in me! Since beginning Reiki, the depression no longer controls my life, my faith, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ is stronger than it’s ever been and for the first time in my life I have clear boundaries that doesn’t allow others to use me and drain my energy. It’s taught me forgiveness and opening my heart to views other than my own. I feel as if I’ve been put on a path to be the very best human I can be for myself and others.....This kind of transformation only comes from God above and I’m so thankful for Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and never giving up on us! I’m also thankful for being lead to Reiki w/Bella because it’s truly had a positive impact on my life as well as family members. Love & Light ONLY comes from God above💞 I could go on and on about the positive effects I had with Reiki, but I encourage you to take it to Jesus and be open & receptive to his loving answers! Best of luck on your journey!


This Mastership Empowerment connects you on a spiritual level to your "Higher Self" which is the enlightened version of you. This connection takes your healing power to a Spiritual Level and you heal more deeply. You may also receive guidance about changes you need to make that require you to take action. Your ability to make decisions can improve, making it very easy to decide exactly what you need, who to associate with, where to work etc and this could result in a totally new direction for your life!

The empowerment energies are channelled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The empowerment is also attended by Reiki Guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process.

Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healing, visions, and past life experiences.

The Reiki Master Empowerment increases psychic awareness. Students often report experiences involving: opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness and other psychic abilities after receiving this Empowerment.

Program Treatment
Tibetan Usui Method of Natural Healing Aura - Spiritual Upgrade
Level III Reiki Master Practitioner Certification Base Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Receive the Spiritual Master Symbol Sacral Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Power Symbols for tr=argeting health concerns Solar Plexus Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Crown Seal for ultimate Psychic Protection Hear Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Heart, Palm & Crown for Spiritual Guidance Throat Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Videos on demand Third Eye Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
Meditations Crown -  Chakra - Spiritual Upgrade
On-line workbooks Psychic Surgery with the Reiki Masters
Live Streaming with Bella Manifesting Miracles with the Masters
This Reiki Master Empowerment is a powerful spiritual experience and is all done live with Reiki Master/Teacher Bella Katrina.